This School has digital workstations instead of the traditional system of fixed classrooms. There is a different workstation for each subject and the students move from one workstation to another as per the time table. Each workstation is designed keeping the subject’s requirements in mind and hence well equipped with interactive white boards, subject specific teaching learning aids and internet connection. Classes are conducted by subject experts who are stationed in their respective workstations. Each student has an individual locker to keep his/her textbooks and notebooks and hence not expected to carry heavy bags.
A good library fosters a reading culture that nurtures independent motivated readers and learners for life. At this boarding school Dehradun , the library is regarded as the soul of the school as our endeavor is to create a reading community. The school library not only has a wide range of children’s literature but also multi-media and electronic resources thoughtfully selected to compliment the school’s curriculum, the students’ learning styles and abilities and their interests.
A spacious room with latest technological aids make the audio visual room a special room at MPPS .Children can view slide show presentations and also educational movies on the silver screen. The AV room is well equipped with the latest sound system having Dolby effect. The AV Room is fitted with eight side speakers (four each on either side) and center speaker and a large subwoofer, DVD player, powerful amplifier and a good set of mike system. Very often orientation for teachers and students and Meetings take place in this spacious AV Room.
We have a music period where the tiny-tots will love to sing,dance & listen to cassettes. All they learn under the guidance of a professional teacher. OUT DOOR PLAY:We have covered play area fitted with jungle gyms,swings,slides & see saws to ensure better muscle & all round development & safety. WATER GAMES:We have a specially designed pool for water fun & games for tiny-tots.